What you should know about peptic ulcer.

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A PEPTIC ULCER is a nonmalignant, mucosal lesion of the stomach or duodenum in which acid and pepsin play major pathogenic roles. The major forms of peptic ulcer are duodenal ulcer (DU) and gastric ulcer (GU). Gastric and duodenal ulcers are breaks in the gastric and duodenal mucosa. Both gastric and duodenal ulcers relate to the corrosive action of pepsin and hydrochloric acid on the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Ulcers generally range between 3 mm and several centimeters in diameter.
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Diagnosis from a qualified medical practitioner is required. Clinical diagnosis must be supported by appropriate history and physical examination data. Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) x-ray or UGI endoscopy is often useful. However, a negative UGI report does not exclude the existence of an ulcer. The onset of peptic ulcer disease may be established when classical clinical symptoms manifest. A definitive diagnosis can be established by gastroscopic examination at a later date. Results from Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) breath test and/or serology, if completed, should be submitted.
Most patients with peptic ulcer disease present with abdominal discomfort, pain or nausea. The pain is located in the epigastrium and usually does not radiate. However, these symptoms are neither sensitive nor specific. Pain radiating to the back may suggest that an ulcer has penetrated posteriorly, or the pain may be pancreatic in origin. Pain radiating to the right upper quadrant may suggest disease of the gallbladder or bile ducts. Patients may describe the pain of peptic ulcer as burning or gnawing, or as hunger pains slowly building up for 1–2 hours, then gradually decreasing. Useof antacids may provide temporary relief. Classically, gastric ulcer pain is aggravated by meals, whereas the painof duodenal ulcers is relieved by meals. Hence, patients with gastric ulcers tend to avoid food and present with weight loss, while those with duodenal ulcers do not lose weight. It is important to remember that although these patterns are typical, they are not pathognomonic. The nature of the presenting symptoms alone does notpermit a clear differentiation between benign ulcers and gastric neoplasm.

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The stomach is located in the upper part of the abdomen just beneath the diaphragm. The stomach is distensible and on a free mesentery, therefore, the size, shape, and position may vary with posture and content. An empty stomach is roughly the size of an open hand and when distended with food, can fill much of the upper abdomen and may descend into the lower abdomen or pelvis on standing. The duodenum extends from the pylorus to the ligament of Treitz in a sharp curve that almost completes a circle. It is so named because it is about equal in length to the breadth of 12 fingers, or about 25 cm. It is largely retroperitoneal and its position is relatively fixed. The stomach and duodenum are closely related in function, and in the pathogenesis and manifestation of disease.
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The stomach may be divided into seven major sections. The cardia is a 1–2 cm segment distal to the esophagogastric junction. The fundus refers to the superior portion of the stomach that lies above an imaginary horizontal plane that passes through the esophagogastric junction. The antrum is the smaller distal one-fourth to one-third of the stomach. The narrow 1–2 cm channel that connects the stomach and duodenum is the pylorus. The lesser curve refers to the medial shorter border of the stomach, whereas the opposite surface is the greater curve. The angularis is along the lesser curve of the stomach where the body and antrum meet, and is accentuated during peristalsis.
The duodenum extends from the pylorus to the ligament of Treitz in a circle-like curve and is divided into four portions. The superior portion is approximately 5 cm in length, beginning at the pylorus, and passes beneath the liver to the neck of the gallbladder. The first part of the superior portion (2–3 cm) is the duodenal bulb. The descending or second part of the duodenum takes a sharp curve and goes down along the right margin of the head of the pancreas. The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct enter the medial aspect of this portion of the duodenum at the major papilla either separately or together. The duodenum turns medially, becoming the horizontal portion, and passes across the spinal column, inclining upward for 5–8 cm. The ascending portion begins at the left of the spinal column, ascending left of the aorta for 2–3 cm, and ends at the ligament of Treitz, where the intestine angles forward and downward to become the jejunum.
The normal gastric mucosa consists of several different secreting cells: endocrine (enterochromaffin-like [ECL]), gastric, chief, parietal, and mucous neck cells. These cells function together to secrete gastric juices to aid in the digestive process within the stomach. The hormone gastrin is secreted by the gastric cells. Gastrin is responsible for action on the ECL cells, which release histamine, the most important stimulant of gastric acid secretion. The chief cells secrete pepsinogen, which is converted to the active enzyme pepsin by hydrochloric acid secreted by the parietal cells. Mucous neck cells provide a protective barrier for the gastric lining by secreting mucous. The two types of peptic ulcers discussed are duodenal and gastric, both located in the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Duodenal ulcers account for the majority of peptic ulcers. They develop when there is a disruption in the mucosal defence and the balance between acid-pepsin secretion. In contrast to those affected by duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer patients have normal acid secretory rates. The gastric ulcer is deep, penetrating beyond the mucosa of the stomach, and histologically similar to duodenal ulceration. Extensive involvement, however, of the surrounding tissue usually occurs more frequently in gastric than in duodenal ulcers. The majority of benign gastric ulcers are found immediately distal to the junction of the antral mucosa. Smokers have a higher incidence of peptic ulcer disease. Smoking cessation is associated with recovery of gastric function within hours. Thus, once smoking has ceased, the increased risk of peptic ulcer disease is removed.
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Some individuals with active duodenal ulcer have no ulcer symptoms. Thus, there is felt to be an underestimation of duodenal ulcer frequency. Many signs and symptoms of peptic ulcer disease are obscure and confusing. Persons may complain only of indigestion or other vague dyspeptic symptoms commonly found in other conditions.
Chronic duodenal ulcer frequently presents with epigastric pain, sometimes situated more to the right of the epigastrium or central upper abdomen. The pain varies markedly in nature and intensity from being sharp and burning to aching or gnawing. Characteristically, the pain occurs from 90 minutes to 3 hours after eating and frequently awakens the person at night. The pain is usually relieved in a few minutes by food or antacid. Episodes of pain may persist for periods of several days to weeks or months. Although symptoms tend to be recurrent and episodic, duodenal ulcers often recur in the absence of pain. Periods of remission usually last from weeks to years and are almost always longer than the episodes of pain. In some persons the disease is more aggressive with frequent and persistent symptoms, or development of complications. Vomiting of blood may occur.
On physical examination, epigastric tenderness is the most frequent finding, usually in the midline and often midway between the umbilicus and the xiphoid process. In gastric ulcer, epigastric pain is the most common symptom, but the pattern is less characteristic than with duodenal ulcer. The pain may be precipitated or aggravated by food, and may or may not respond to antacids. Ulcers may heal and then recur. Vomiting of blood may occur. While nausea and vomiting almost always indicate gastric outlet obstruction in duodenal ulcer, these symptoms in a gastric ulcer may occur in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Gastric ulcers are associated with weight loss due to anorexia or aversion to food developing from the discomfort produced by eating. H. pylori infection is associated with 90-95% of duodenal ulcers and 60-80% of gastric ulcers.   Recognition of the role of H. pylori in the development of peptic ulcer disease has brought about substantial changes to the clinical treatment of people with peptic ulcer disease and has allowed a re-evaluation of the clinical approach to dyspepsia depending on whether or not a person has H. pylori in the upper GI tract. H. pylori is associated with a greatly increased risk of duodenal and gastric ulceration. It is important to note, however, that while the infection is extremely common throughout the world and that approximately 50% of adults in developed countries are colonized by the age of 60 years, not all of these persons will develop or have had peptic ulcer disease. A number of studies have demonstrated that it is present in areas of overcrowding or highly infective areas. A negative UGI x-ray report does not exclude the existence of an ulcer. If scarring or deformity is present on x-ray or gastroscopic findings, it is considered that peptic ulcer disease has been present for at least 3 to 4 years. A positive diagnosis can usually be established when classical symptoms are described.

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1.  Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) prior to onset or aggravation.
H. pylori is the etiologic factor in most patients with peptic ulcer disease and may predispose individuals to the development of gastric carcinoma. H. pylori colonizes in the human stomach. The method of H. pylori transmission is unclear, but seems to be person-to-person spread via a fecal-oral route. The prevalence of H. pylori in adults appears to be inversely relatedto the socioeconomic status. It is also thought that water is a reservoir for transmission of H. pylori

2.  Ingestion of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at time of clinical onset or aggravation.
A small but important percentage of patients have adverse gastrointestinal events associated with NSAID use that results in substantial morbidity and mortality. Risk factors for the development of NSAID-associated gastric and duodenal ulcers include advanced age, history of previous ulcer disease, concomitant use of corticosteroids and anticoagulants, higher doses of NSAIDs, and serious systemic disorders. The concept of gastroduodenal mucosal injury has evolved from the notion of topical injury to concepts that involve multiple mechanisms. NSAIDs initiate mucosal injury topically by their acidic properties. By diminishing the hydrophobicity of gastric mucus, endogenous gastric acid and pepsin may injure surface epithelium. Systemic effects of NSAIDs appear to play a predominant role through the decreased synthesis of mucosal prostaglandins. The precursor of prostaglandins, arachidonic acid, is catalyzed by the two cyclo-oxygenase isoenzymes, cyclo-oxygenase-1 and cyclo-oxygenase-2. The gene for cyclo-oxygenase-1, the housekeeping enzyme, maintains the homeostasis of organs. Cyclo-oxygenase-2, the inflammatory enzyme, is inducible. Although NSAIDs can inhibit both pathways, only the gene for cyclo-oxygenase-2 contains a corticosteroid-responsive repressor element. Literature suggests that the anti-inflammatory properties of NSAIDs are mediated through inhibition of cyclo-oxgenase-2, and adverse effects, such as gastric and duodenal ulceration, occur as a resultof effects on the constitutively expressed cyclo-oxygenase-1.
For NSAIDs to cause or aggravate peptic ulcer disease, signs/symptoms of peptic ulcer disease should develop during the NSAID therapy or within 30 days of cessation of the therapy. Ingestion of NSAIDs is associated with a higher incidence of peptic ulcer disease.

3.  Ingestion of oral corticosteroids at time of clinical onset or aggravation. For oral corticosteroids to cause or aggravate peptic ulcer disease, signs/symptoms of peptic ulcer disease should develop during the corticosteroid therapy or within 30 days of cessation of the therapy.
Minimum dosage levels and duration of treatment which can cause and/or aggravate ulcers varies among individuals, and according to their disease and other medications ingested. The risk of developing peptic ulcer disease while ingesting oral corticosteroids may be increased even further when NSAIDs are used concurrently.

4.  Hepatic cirrhosis prior to clinical onset or aggravation.
Persons with hepatic cirrhosis have an increased incidence of peptic ulcer disease.

5.  Stress: aggravation only.
Numerous studies have revealed conflicting conclusions regarding the role of psychological factors in the pathogenesis and natural history of peptic ulcer disease. The role of psychological factors is far from established. Acute stress results in increases in pulse rate, blood pressure and anxiety, but only in those patients with duodenal ulcers did acute stress actually result insignificant increases in basal acid secretion. There is no clearly established “ulcer-type” personality. Ulcer patients typically exhibit the same psychological makeup as the general population, but they appear to perceive greater degrees of stress. In addition, there is no evidence that distinct occupational factors influence the incidence of ulcer disease.
For stress to aggravate peptic ulcer disease, increased signs/symptoms of peptic ulcer disease should develop during the period of stress and persist, on a recurrent or continuous basis, for a period of at least 6 months. There is considerable medical research available on the impact of prolonged psychologic stress on visceral function and organic disease. It has not been possible to establish an association between stress and ulcer formation in controlled studies.  Peptic ulcer disease is, however, often exacerbated, i.e. temporarily worsened, during or shortly after stressful life events such as occupational, financial and educational problems, divorce or marital separation, death, and family illness. The role of stress in aggravation, i.e. permanent worsening, is not settled; any association between psychologic factors and ulcer disease is likely to be complex and multifactorial. An individual’s reaction to stress may determine whether a permanent worsening occurs.  Aggravation, or permanent worsening, may be demonstrated by, but not limited to, the following:
1.  Requirement for ulcer-specific medication;
2.  Progression in frequency of use of ulcer-specific medication;
3.  Requirement for surgery for peptic ulcer disease;
4.  Development of complications, e.g. bleeding, outlet obstruction, dumping

6.  Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome.
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastronomas) can produce peptic ulcer disease through hypersecretion of gastric acid within the upper gastrointestinal tract, thereby disturbing the delicate acid-pepsin balance.  If peptic ulcer disease is caused by Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, entitlement should be sought for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

7.  Inability to obtain appropriate clinical management

8. Smoking
The literature reveals a strong positive correlation between cigarette smoking and the incidence of ulcer disease, mortality, complications, recurrences and delay in healing rates. Smokers are about two times more likely to develop ulcer disease than nonsmokers. Cigarette smoking and H. pylori are co-factors for the formation of peptic ulcer disease. There is a strong association between H. pylori infection and cigarette smoking in patients with and without peptic ulcers. Cigarette smoking may increase susceptibility, diminish the gastric mucosal defensive factors, or may provide a more favorable milieu for H. pylori infection.

9. Alcohol and Diet
Although alcohol has been shown to induce damage tothe gastric mucosa in animals, it seems to be related to the absolute ethanol administered (200 proof). Pure ethanol is lipid soluble and results in frank, acute mucosal damage. Because most humans do not drink absolute ethanol, it is unlikely there is mucosal injury at ethanol concentrations of less than 10% (20 proof).Ethanol at low concentrations (5%) may modestly stimulate gastric acid secretions; higher concentrations diminish acid secretion. Though physiologically interesting, this has no direct link to ulcerogenesis or therapy. Some types of food and beverages are reported to cause dyspepsia. There is no convincing evidence that indicates any specific diet causes ulcer disease. Epidemiologic studies have failed to reveal a correlation between caffeinated, decaffeinated, or cola-type beverages, beer, or milk with an increased risk of ulcer disease. Dietary alteration, other than avoidance of pain-causing foods, is unnecessary in ulcer patients.
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          Intestinal obstructions secondary to adhesions
          Hiatus hernia
Antrectomy and/or partial gastrectomy are surgical procedures for duodenal ulcer. In the course of these procedures the esophageal hiatus has to be dissected free in order to expose the vagus nerves. The interference with the esophageal hiatus may contribute to the development of hiatus hernia. Vagotomy, if involving esophageal dissection, may also contribute to the development of hiatal hernia. The time interval following surgery and the development of the hernia, and age, are factors in consideration of the degree of consequentiality. No specific recommendations in respect of the time interval can be made, but the hiatal hernia would generally occur within a few months of the surgery. There is an increased incidence of hiatus hernia with age.
          Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Interference with the esophageal hiatus during surgical procedures such as vagotomy may predispose to reflux esophagitis. The time interval between an operation and the development of esophageal reflux is a consideration in the degree of consequentiality. No specific recommendation in respect of the time interval can be made.
          Cholelithiasis
Physiological changes which occur in the gall bladder following truncal vagotomy for peptic ulcer disease may contribute to the formation of gall stones.
          Anemia if caused by peptic ulcer disease.
          Incisional hernias
          Osteoporosis
Total or partial gastrectomy may result in faulty absorption of essential food stuffs such as vitamins and mineral salts. Carcinoma of the stomach (in association with H. pylori infection) There is some epidemiologic evidence supporting an association between chronic H. pylori infection and gastric cancer (gastric adenocarcinoma and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma). The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified H. pylori as a Group I (definite) carcinogen in humans. However, the development of gastric cancer is felt to be multifactorial.
          Carcinoma of the stomach (in association with surgical treatment)Persons who have undergone gastrectomy for benign disease are at increased risk of developing adenocarcinoma fifteen or more years after gastrectomy. This finding is particularly relevant in cases of subtotal or near total gastrectomies.
Therapy For Peptic Ulcer Disease
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Most peptic ulcers heal if gastric acid production is adequately suppressed. The rationale behind the treatment of peptic ulcer disease is two fold. The reduction of hostile factors is essential, as is augmentation of protective factors. Antacids, histamineH2-receptor antagonists, proton pump inhibitors (e.g., omeprazole, lansoprazole), and surgery succeed by neutralization or reduction of gastric acid. Sucralfate and prostagl and inagents boost mucosal protection. The eradication of H. pylori infection restores normal mucosal resistance, but unlike other treatment options, does not require maintenance therapy to prevent ulcer recurrence. Patients should avoid factors known to contribute to peptic ulcer disease, such as NSAIDs and smoking.

Medical Therapy
The goal of therapy for peptic ulcer disease is to relieve symptoms, heal craters, prevent recurrences, and prevent complications. Medical therapy should include treatment with drugs, and attempt to accomplish the following:
1) reduce gastric acidity by mechanisms that inhibit or neutralize acid secretion,
2) coat ulcer craters to prevent acid and pepsin from penetrating to the ulcer base, 3) provide a prostagl and inanalog,
4) remove environmental factors such as NSAIDs and smoking, and
5)reduce emotional stress (in a subset of patients).
Antacids neutralize gastric acid and are more effective than placeboin healing gastric and duodenal ulcers. However, antacids have to be taken in relatively large doses 1 and 3 hours after meals and at bedtime, and may cause side effects. The major side effect of magnesium-containing antacids is diarrhea caused by magnesium hydroxide. HistamineH2-receptor antagonists reduce gastric acid production by blocking the H2 receptor on the parietal cell). Examples of available H2 blockers used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers include cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine and nizatidine. This group of compounds effectively decreases acid secretion. H2-receptor antagonists are relatively safe. The choice of drug should be dictated by cost, dosing schedule, convenience, and possible drug interactions.
The family of drugs known as as proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, inactivates the parietal cell hydrogen-potassium ATPase located on the lumenal surface. ATPase acts as a proton pump and constitutes the final common pathway in the secretion of hydrogen ions. This class of medicines is now considered the gold standard in medical therapy of peptic ulcer disease. Examples of available PPIs include omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, and esomeprazole. Increasing the PPI dose can reduce acid secretion to the point of achlorhydria(unachievable by H2 blockade). Thus, the proton pump inhibitors are the primary treatment when gastric hyper-secretion is resistant to other therapies. Proton pump inhibitors have been shown to prevent NSAID-associated gastroduodenal ulcers, and to provide a safe and effective form of therapy. Furthermore, studies have shown that PPIs are more effective than H2-receptor antagonists at treating all types of peptic ulcer disease.
Sucralfate is the aluminum salt of a sulfated disaccharide. The drug forms a barrier or coating over the ulcer crater, stimulates prostagl and in synthesis, and binds to noxious agents such as bile salts. Although the exact mechanism of action is unclear, it appears sucralfates stimulate prostaglandins, which promote improved mucosal integrity and enhance epithelial regeneration. Because it requires multiple doses per day, patients are less likely to follow a sucralfate regimen even though it has been shown to be as effective as an H2 blocker in healing both duodenal and gastric ulcers. Sucralfate is not absorbed systemically, and its only remarkable side effect is constipation.
Misoprostol is a prostaglandinE1 analog that increases mucosal resistance and inhibits acid secretion to a minor degree. Misoprostol has been advocated for prophylaxis of NSAID-induced mucosal injury. The drug has significant side effects, primarily mild to moderate diarrhea, and is too costly to be used by most patients on long-term NSAIDs.
The suppression of gastric acid production promotes the healing of peptic ulcers. Unfortunately, if acid suppression therapy is not maintained, peptic ulcers regularly recur. Since the long-term cure of peptic ulcers accompanies the eradication of H. pylori, all ulcers associated with this infection should be treated with the aim of infection eradication. Although H. pylori is sensitive to a variety of antibiotics in vitro, its habitat beneath the gastric mucosa makes it difficult to treat. The original treatment gold standard was 2 weeks of triple therapy, including bismuth, tetracycline or amoxicillin, and metronidazole. Where compliance with this regimen can be assured, H. pylori cure rate is 90–95% or more; however, 20% of these cases develop side effects. Newer simpler regimens have been developed and H. pylori treatment recommendations are still evolving. Today, the current gold standard of therapy is a triple combination of drugs that includes a PPI (e.g. omeprazole or lansoprazole) plus amoxicillin and a newer antibiotic, clarithromycin. All three medicines are to be taken twice per day for 7-14 days (preferably 14 days). Alternative drugs may be offered to those patients with certain allergies or medication intolerances. Physicians should always offer patients with peptic ulcer disease and confirmed H. pylori infection the option of curative therapy. Gastric ulcers should be re-evaluated by multiple endoscopic biopsies and cytology to rule out gastric carcinoma if they have not healed after 8 weeks of conventional medical therapy. If no malignancy is seen on biopsy, aggressive treatment should be instituted for 6 weeks to eradicate H. pylori and to suppress acid with full doses of a proton pump inhibitor. A gastric ulcer that does not heal after this second aggressive course of medical therapy may suggest underlying malignancy, even with negative repeat biopsies. Non-healing gastric ulcers should be resected surgically.

                                                     Surgical Therapy
Over the past few decades in the United States, we have witnessed a declining need for surgery to treat peptic ulcer disease. This decline may be explained primarily by the widespread use of H2 receptor antagonists, and now more recently, proton pump inhibitors. Complications such as gastrointestinal hemorrhage, perforation, or gastric outlet obstruction remain the major indications for surgical intervention.
The most common reason for surgical intervention for benign gastric ulcers is failure of the ulcer to completely heal after an adequate trial of medical or endoscopic therapy. Patients are usually given a 6-month trial of anti-secretory agents prior to surgical consultation. The major concern regarding non-healed ulcers is the high risk of underlying malignancies.
Due to the benign nature of duodenal ulcers, physicians can monitor the patients’ response to medical regimens by following their symptoms. When patients with duodenal ulcers require surgery, it is usually one of three procedures: vagotomy, vagotomy with antrectomy, or subtotal gastrectomy . Vagotomyalone (without gastric resection) may involve truncal vagotomy with drainage, selective vagotomy with drainage, or proximal gastric vagotomy alone (without a drainage procedure). Delayed gastric emptying may be caused by truncal vagotomy , and a concurrent drainage procedure such as antrectomy, pyloroplasty, or gastroenterostomy may be necessary as antral innervation (by Latarjet nerves) is nonfunctioning. Selective vagotomy(proximal gastric vagotomy) does not necessitate a concomitant drainage procedure.
Morbidity resulting from the surgical procedure and the risk of recurrence of ulcers are two major considerations. Proximal gastric vagotomy is probably the most preferred of surgical options because the pylorus is preserved. Recurrence of ulcer disease is about the same with all three types of surgical procedures, however, the incidence of dumping symptoms is higher with vagotomy or vagotomy with antrectomy.

                                                   Endoscopic Therapy
The primary role of endoscopic therapy in peptic ulcer disease is to manage complications that may arise.

Hemorrhage, perforation/penetration, and gastric outlet obstruction continue to be the major complications associated with peptic ulcer disease, despite the availability of effective ulcer medications. In the United States, the yearly complication rate ranges between 2–5%.

Rate of Incidence
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage affects 5–20% of patients (more often those with duodenal ulcers) and is the most common complication of peptic ulcer disease. Bleeding occurs more often in men than in women. Hemorrhage from ulcers stops spontaneously in approximately 75–80% of cases. Approximately one-fourth of all bleeding ulcers require surgery.

                                             Endoscopic Therapy
Endoscopy is the preferred procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of an upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage because of the low complication rate and accuracy. Stigmata on ulcers may be seen during endoscopic procedures, and are important prognostic indicators. After resuscitation and stabilization of the patient, gastric lavage is usually performed to remove blood from the stomach prior to endoscopy. The goal of endoscopic therapy is to “seal” the feeding vessel, and this may be accomplished in a variety of ways. The bleeding source is identified in more than 95% of patients with significant upper GI hemorrhage.

                                         Thermally Active Methods
Thermal devices are the most widely tested modalities for endoscopic hemostasis. Heating leads to edema, coagulation of tissue proteins, and contraction of arteries. Heat may be produced by tissue absorption of laser light energy, passage of electrical current through tissue, or heat diffusion from another source. Arterial
coagulation is achieved with the laser by means of rapid heating. The laser is effective for direct coagulation of 0.25-mm arteries and becomes less effective with larger arteries. The BICAP, or bipolar circumactive probe, is a thermally active contact or heater probe used to compress the target artery before heat delivery. After the initial compression, the delivery of a small amount of heat welds the vessel walls together. Photocoagulation can be achieved by use of the laser. The laser light can be focused on a bleeding point to induce rapid tissue heating. This produces blood coagulation and tissue necrosis. Endoscopic hemostasis may be achieved with two types of lasers: argon and Nd:YAG. The Nd:YAG laser has longer wavelengths, greater coagulation capacity, and increased perforation potential. Both lasers have been used in the endoscopic treatment of ulcer hemorrhage.
Clinical trials of ulcer hemorrhage have confirmed that photocoagulation provides effective hemostasis for active and non-bleeding visible vessels. The success rates with Nd:YAG are in the range of 80–100%. Important considerations that limit emergency laser hemostasis include portability and cost. Additionally, the need for specific expertise by the endoscopist and technician, special electrical outlets, eye protection, and technical considerations (difficulty in aiming the laser beam) are further limiting factors in emergency situations.

Heat generated from high-frequency electrical current is capable of coagulating or cutting tissue. Thermal electrocoagulation is the classic treatment for bleeding during surgery and has recently been used endoscopically to treat GI bleeding. Monopolar and multipolar endoscopic electrodes are currently available, and both must contact the mucosal surface to be effective.
The multipolar electrocoagulation probe has two or more electrodes at the tip. Current is concentrated much closer to the tip than in the monopolar probe, resulting in less depth of tissue injury and lower perforation potential. The BICAP features six electrode plates in the tip, a central irrigation channel, and two different diameter probes. It can achieve a maximum temperature of 100oC and causes less tissue injury than the monopolar or Nd:YAG electrocoagulation laser.

                                                         Heater Probe
The heater probe is a hollow aluminum cylinder with an inner coil. The cylinder transfers heat from its end or sides to tissue when positioned perpendicularly or tangentially. This probe may be passed through the biopsy channels of larger endoscopes and positioned on bleeding lesions to produce tamponade and heat  Studies have shown the heater probe to be safe and effective for the treatment of ulcer bleeding or non-bleeding visible vessels, achieving hemostasis and significantly improving clinical outcomes. In a comparative study of the heater probe, BICAP, and medical therapy, the heater probe was more than95% effective in achieving initial hemostasis. Both the BICAP and heater probes represent important endoscopic advances in endoscopic hemostasis, and have advantages over laser therapy. These devices are less expensive, portable, easy to use, have target irrigation, and allow tamponade and tangential coagulation.

                                               Injection Therapy
Injection therapy for upper gastrointestinal bleeding is inexpensive, simple and widely used. A sclerotherapy catheter with a small retractable needle is passed through the biopsy channel of the endoscope. Non-bleeding visible vessels are treated by the injection of a solution at three or four surrounding sites about 1-3 mm from the vessel. Subsequently, the visible vessel is injected. In cases of bleeding vessels, injections are made around the bleeding point until hemostasis is achieved. This is followed by injection into the vessel. Several different sclerosant agents have been used alone or in combination to achieve endoscopic hemostasis. Adrenaline; hypertonic saline and adrenaline combined; adrenaline and polidocanol; pure ethanol;or combinations of dextrose, thrombin, and sodium morrhuate have shown improvement in rebleeding, the need for urgent surgery, and mortality. Combined injection and thermal treatment have theoretical advantages in the treatment of bleeding ulcers. Injection with epinephrine produces vasoconstriction and activates platelet coagulation, reducing blood flow and potentiating thermal therapy, which produces coaptive coagulation. Recent studies have shown combination therapy (epinephrine injection and heater probe) benefited patients with spurting bleeding, but not those with oozing bleeding.

                                                   Mechanical Therapy
Endoscopic hemoclips have recently been developed and made their way to the scene of endoscopic therapy for peptic ulcer disease. These devices are small3-4 mm titanium clips that can be opened and closed while being operated through the working channel of the endoscope. They may be used to pinch-off, or clip, a bleeding vessel. When fully deployed, they remain fastened to the vessel after the endoscope has been removed from the patient. Emerging studies have shown that hemoclips are an effective and safe method for treating certain forms of peptic ulcer desease and should be used in the appropriate setting.

Radiological Therapy
Angiography is a useful diagnostic and therapeutic modality in treatment of bleeding gastric and duodenal ulcers. Angiography can identify the site of bleeding in instances where endoscopy has failed to be diagnostic. It should also be considered in patients at high risk for surgical intervention.
Angiographic therapy includes two different embolization techniques for the treatment of GI bleeding. Effective in 50% of cases, vasopressin intra-arterial infusion causes vasoconstriction that results in the cessation of ulcer hemorrhage. Embolic material such as an absorbable gelatin sponge, tissue adhesives, or other occlusion devices (such as microcoils) can be inserted through a catheter into the area of bleeding. Potential complications of embolization therapy may include ischemia and perforation.

Surgical Therapy
When endoscopic hemostasis techniques are unavailable or fail to resolve bleeding or recurrent hemorrhage, surgery provides another therapeutic option. Surgery is effective in the prevention of recurrent ulceration and in excluding the presence of malignant disease. Emergent surgery has a higher mortality rate than elective surgery, and resection procedures are accompanied by higher mortality than over sewing the ulcer and selective vagotomy, or vagotomy and pyloroplasty. The operative choice is related to the surgeon’s experience, ulcer location, and overall condition of the patient. Truncal vagotomy and antrectomy  provide high cure rates and low recurrence rates. Recurrence rates after vagotomy and pyloroplasty are somewhat higher. Laparoscopic selective vagotomy provides an appealing alternative for a subset of ulcer patients with lower morbidity, shorter recovery time, and a shorter hospital stay.

Approximately 5–10% of patients with peptic ulcers suffer a perforation into the abdominal cavity. This rate is higher in men than in women. Approximately 15% of patients die from ulcer perforation.
Two types of perforation of the stomach and duodenum have been observed. Free perforation occurs when duodenal or gastric contents spill into the abdominal cavity with peritoneal contamination by gastric, pancreatic and biliary juices. Clinically this produces an acute abdomen, which is easily diagnosed. Contained
perforation occurs when the ulcer produces a full-thickness hole in the duodenum or stomach, but the omentum or other adjacent organs prevent peritoneal contamination.
Perforations are most likely in elderly patients onchronic NSAID therapy, and are more common in gastric than in duodenal ulcers. Initial symptoms of perforated duodenal or gastric ulcers include severe abdominal pain, worse in the epigastrium, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Typically the patient is acutely and severely ill. History and physical exam suggest a diagnosis of perforation. The finding of free air on either an upright or decubitus abdominal radiograph is noted in approximately 70% of cases.
An upper GI series with gastrografin will confirm the clinical impression of perforation if an x-ray is negative. Perforation is a contraindication for endoscopy because air insufflation may exacerbate spillage of gastric contents or disrupt a sealed perforation. Urgent surgical therapy is recommended in patients with uncontained, free perforated ulcers, because spontaneous sealing is rare. In addition, gastric adenocarcinoma cannot be ruled out and there is a greater potential for bacterial colonization. Aggressive surgical intervention helps to decrease the high mortality associated with perforating gastric ulcers.

Five to 10% of perforating ulcers may erode through the entire thickness of the gastric or duodenal wall into adjacent abdominal organs. Such penetration can involve the pancreas, bile ducts, liver, and the small or large intestine. The pancreas is the most common site of penetration.
The acute onset of associated complications, such as pancreatitis, cholangitis, or diarrhea of undigested food, may diagnose penetration. The diagnosis of penetration is more difficult than perforation, and is based on a combination of severe ulcer symptoms, atypical pain distribution, and diminished response to the usual therapy. Surgery is usually not recommended in the management of penetration unless biliary complications are present or the underlying peptic disease is severe.

Gastric Outlet Obstruction
Fewer than 5% of patients develop gastric outlet obstruction from pyloric stenosis. Duodenal ulcers give rise to pyloric stenosis more often than gastric ulcers. Peptic ulcer disease may be accompanied by varying degrees of obstruction caused by inflammatory swelling of the pyloric channel or chronic scarring associated with fibrosis.
Patients with gastric outlet obstruction usually have a history of nausea, vomiting, and epigastric pain or fullness. Laboratory findings may show anemia, low serum albumin, and hyperkalemic alkalosis. Radiological exam is usually diagnostic, showing a large gastric shadow with an air/fluid level. An upper GI series yields valuable information by showing marked delaying gastric emptying and a large atonic stomach. Endoscopy is the best test for evaluating gastric outlet obstruction after decompression of the stomach for 12–24 hours.

Endoscopic Therapy
Endoscopic dilation of the gastric outlet obstruction is a reasonable course after the failure of medical therapy. Balloon dilation can usually improve the acute problem by producing radial forces on the strictured segment. Through-the-scope balloons are usually the first choice (over guide wire balloons), using the largest balloon that
can safely be passed into the segment. A well-lubricated balloon is passed through the endoscopic biopsy channel and carefully positioned into the stricture. The balloon is inflated with contrast, water or air, and pressure is maintained for the desired time. Dilation may also be performed over a guide wire that has been passed through the stricture. Sequential balloon dilation is performed with fluoroscopy and endoscopic evaluation.

Surgical Therapy
The goal of surgical therapy in gastric outlet obstruction is two fold:
 1) improvement of the obstruction and
 2) treatment of the predisposing ulcer with an acid-reducing procedure. Vagotomy and antrectomy with gastroduodenal drainage, or truncal vagotomy with drainage are the recommended surgical

procedures. Selective vagotomy with pyloroduodenal dilation is an alternative, but recurrent obstruction rates arehigher than with the other two surgeries.


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