
Cancer is a leading cause of death group worldwide and accounted for 7.4 million deaths (around
13% of all deaths) in 2004. In this article, we will be talking about considering the following questions:
What is Cancer?
What are the risk factors of cancer?
How can you fight cancer?

Cancer is a genetic disease. By definition, the term "cancer" applies only to malignant tumors. Cancer can be either
–Inherited cancer
–Sporadic cancer
Cancer typically involves a change in gene expression/function:
–Qualitative change
–Quantitative change
 Any cancer causing genetic alteration typically results in loss of cell growth control.


Benign tumors are tumors that cannot spread by invasion or metastasis; hence, they only grow locally. They are called a tumor and have the following characteristics:
1. They are well circumscribed.
2. They are known for their slow growing.
3. They are non invasive.
4. They are non metastatic.

• Malignant: Malignant tumors are tumors that are capable of spreading by invasion and metastasis. They have the following characteristics:
1. They are not well organized.
2.They are irregularly shaped.
3.They are fast growing.
3.They infiltrative growth.
4.They are metastatic.
• Initial stages of malignant cancer may typically show benign growth;
–further accumulation of mutations may make it malignant.

Properties of Cancer Cells
• Cancer cells exhibit several characteristics that are distinct from normal cells.
• Multiple changes are involved in the conversion of a normal cell to a cancer cell:
– Autocrine stimulation; grow in the absence of growth factors
– Lack of gap junctions;
– lack of contact inhibition
– Resistance to cell death; persistent telomerase activity
– Rapid growth; overtake population,  invade other tissues.
– Angiogenesis
– Clonal nature of cancer
– Genomic Instability: Accumulation of successive mutations
• A germline mutation causes a hereditary cancer.
• A somatic mutation causes a sporadic cancer.

Changes that produce a potential for immortality
• Loss of limitations on the number of cell divisions
• Ability to grow in culture – normal cells do not grow well in culture
• Restoration of telomerase activity

Changes that enable tumor to disrupt local tissue and invade distant tissues
• Ability to metastasize
• Angiogenesis – secrete substances that cause blood vessels to
grow toward tumor
• Evasion of immune surveillance

Most cancers result from exposures to mutagens
• If one sib or twin gets cancer, other usually does not
• Populations that migrate – profile of cancer becomes more like people indigenous to new location

Risk factors for Cancers
• Tobacco use
• Alcohol use
• Dietary factors, including insufficient fruit and vegetable intake
• Overweight and obesity
• Physical inactivity
• Chronic infections from helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and some types of human papilloma virus (HPV)
• Environmental and occupational risks including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation

How to fight cancer
More than 30% of cancers are caused by several leading behavioural and environmental risks that are potentially modifiable. Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of cancer in the world today. It is responsible for up to 1.5 million cancer deaths a year.
- Tobacco control
- Promotion of healthy diet and physical activity
- Preventing harmful use of alcohol by means of national alcohol policies aimed at reducing overall level of alcohol consumption;
- Reduce exposure and promote protection against infectious agents associated with cancer, including vaccination against Hepatitis B Virus and Human Papilloma Virus
- Reduce exposure and promote protective actions, to carcinogens in the environment and workplace, including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
.  Early detection
Cancer mortality can be reduced if cases were detected and treated early. There are two components of early detection efforts:
Early diagnosis: is the awareness of early signs and symptoms in order to facilitate diagnosis and treatment before the disease becomes advanced
Screening: is the systematic application of a screening  test in a presumably asymptomatic population. It aims to identify individuals with an abnormality suggestive of a specific cancer or pre-cancer and refer them promptly for diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment is the series of interventions, including  psychosocial support, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy that is aimed at curing the disease or prolonging life considerably while improving the patients quality of life.
Treatment of early detectable cancers: Some of the most common cancer types, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, oral cancer and colorectal cancer have higher cure rates when detected early and treated according to best practice. Treatment of other cancers with potential for cure:
Some cancer types, even though disseminated, such as leukemias and lymphomas in children, and testicular seminoma, have high cure rates if appropriate treatment is provided.

Palliative care is an urgent humanitarian need worldwide for people (adults and children) with cancer and other chronic fatal diseases. It is particularly needed in places where a high proportion of patients present in advanced stages and there is little chance of cure. Relief from physical, psychosocial and spiritual problems can be achieved in over 90% of advanced cancer patients through palliative car

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