17 Problems That Can Arise Due To Insufficient Water Intake



Approximately, human should consume 3.7 litres of fluid daily in order to maintain proper hydration.  When a person consumes less than 50% of this amount for a long period of time, then he may face many health problems. These health problems are collectively referred as chronic dehydration.

Due to chronic dehydration, the fluid balance of or body is disturbed. So it tries to redistribute the available water in such a way that vital organs [Heart, kidneys, liver] receive the maximum share of the available water. Consequently, this causes other organs to suffer due to insufficient water supply.
In this article we will be taking a closer look at possible problems that can emerge as a result of not drinking enough fluid.
1.       Reduced Concentration, Memory & Alertness: 75% of our brain is based on water and other fluids. Insufficient water intake causes dehydration of brain cells. This in turn causes reduction in the work capacity of the brain. Hence Memory, alertness and mental concentration levels drop.
2.       Body Fatigue:  other than the blood, most of the body water is stored within our cells. Lack of sufficient water causes these cells to become weak hence causing decrease functioning of these cells resulting in early fatigue.
3.       Constipation:  Water helps in the formation and movement of stools within colon (large intestine). When body lacks sufficient water, the large intestine tries to conserve it. Lack of sufficient water inside large intestine hampers the movement of stools as well as make them hard. Both these conditions result in constipation.
4.       Increase in cholesterol levels: One important function of cholesterol is to act as a cementing material for closing defects within small blood vessel walls. Body tries to conserve available water by preventing its loss from blood vessels due to these defects. Thus it starts producing more cholesterol to close it.
5.       Digestive problems:
a.       Insufficient water decreases production of digestive juices and enzymes which cause indigestion.
b.       Also water is necessary for the formation of mucus which covers our digestive tract and protects it from corrosive action of digestive juices and acids. Lack of sufficient mucus increases chances of heartburn, Acidity or Stomach ulcers.
6.       Lack of sufficient water intake favours in the formation of bad Gut bacterial which are harmful for us.
7.       High Blood Pressure: Blood pressure depends upon the force at which the blood is flowing through blood vessels and the diameter or size of the blood vessel. During insufficient water intake two things happen both of which can contribute to increase in blood pressure. 1. Blood has 90% of water, insufficient water makes it thick and sluggish, this makes heart to pump it with increase force so as make it reach to the target organ. 2. During insufficient water availability brain sends signals to kidneys to decrease amount of urine formation by means of a chemical (hormone). It also narrows the blood vessel which results in rise in pressure of blood flowing within them.
8.       Allergies: Histamine, a chemical produced within body, is responsible for redistribution of water inside the body. And it also creates allergic reactions within our body During chronic dehydration Body produce more and more histamine to redistribute and conserve available water, which in turn increases the chances of developing allergies.
9.       Weight gain: Lack of sufficient water cause cells to deplete of energy which sends signals to the brain. But brain considers these signals as for hunger and person tends to overeat to satisfy this hunger. Excess of calorie consumption results in weight gain.
10.     Skin problems: Body tends to get rid of accumulated toxins in the form of sweat through our skin. Insufficient water intake reduces the amount of sweat  and makes skin dry thus instead of washing away these toxins remain adhered to our skin resulting in skin allergies and infections.
11.     Kidney stones: When body is dehydrated kidneys try to conserve available water by forming a concentrated urine. Also insufficient water decreases flushing action of urine. This causes stone forming substances e.g. Calcium and toxins from urine to settle within urinary passage and contribute in the formation of renal stones.
12.     Urinary tract Infections:  During dehydration (chronic) kidneys have less amount of water available to flush out toxins effectively. These toxins and harmful substances start accumulating in urine. It creates an ideal environment for the infectious microorganisms to grow and stick to urinary passage. Which can cause urinary infections
13.     Joints: Sufficient water is necessary to keep joint cartilage healthy and strong and lubricated. Lack of sufficient water due to chronic dehydration damages this joint cartilage producing pain and friction within a joint.
14.     Back pain: Intervertebral disk acts as a cushioning material between our vertebrae. It also acts as a shock absorber. Sufficient water is necessary for keeping it hydrated. Lack of sufficient water shrinks this Intervertebral disk which reduces its shock absorbing effect and also increases friction between vertebrates making them prone to the damage causing back pain.
15.     Respiratory Problems: Water is necessary to keep respiratory passage humid and moist. Insufficient water intake causes decrees in moistness of respiratory passage making it prone to damage by infections and toxic substances.
16.     Hair Loss: Water is a main source of energy and nutrition for the hair bulb. Hair has 25% of water. Insufficient water thus contributes into hair loss and early baldness.
17.     Aches and Pains:  Lack of sufficient water hampers flushing of toxins effectively out of the body. These toxins get accumulated within the body and become responsible for creating aches and pains all over the body.


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