Trump supports bipartisan short-term fix to stabilize Obamacare


Trump supports bipartisan short-term fix to stabilize Obamacare

Trump signals support for near-term fix, but wants repeal later

Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, Tennessee Republican, struck the agreement with Sen. Patty Murray, Washington Democrat, to fund pivotal "cost-sharing" payments for two years. (Associated Press/File)

President Trump threw his support Tuesday behind a short-term Obamacare fix that would restart payments to insurance companies, saying it was a way to buy time while Republicans work toward a broad repeal that he insisted they will eventually find the votes to pass.
Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, Tennessee Republican, struck the agreement with Sen. Patty Murray, Washington Democrat, to fund pivotal “cost-sharing” payments for two years, a win for Democrats and skittish Republicans who said states were forced to approve higher premiums after Mr. Trumpfailed to guarantee the money.
The bill will also give states added flexibility under Obamacare’s rules — though Mr. Alexander said it does not free them from the onerous coverage requirements that have sent premiums soaring and chased some Americans from the health care market altogether.
Mr. Trump said the package will help the markets get beyond the uncertainty, though he still wants Republicans to again try to scrap the Affordable Care Act next year.
“It’ll get us over this intermediate hump,” he said at the White House. “For a period of one year, two years, we will have a very good solution.”
He also refused to take blame for rate hikes next year, tweeting that Democrats were to blame for passing a health care program that “never had a chance of working.”


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