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African women go braless on No Bra Day

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No Bra Day is been observed every year on October 13th. It is a day most women leave their bra at home. Ordinarily this National Day is meant to promote awareness for breast cancer and also to help raise money for its research.

In this post you will see what women looks like when celebrating the day in a beautiful manner. oliversmile.blogspot.com brought you beautiful photos of black women celebrating the No Bra day.


Donald Trump discharged and acquitted by the US senate who voted him 'not guilty', bringing impeachment trial to an end

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US president Donald Trump has been discharged and acquitted by the US senate over the charges of obstruction of congress and abuse of power leveled against him by the House of Reps.

On Wednesday, the Republican majority senate voted against impeaching the president, bringing the impeachment trial to an end.

'48 senators have pronounced Donald John Trump, president of the United States, guilty as charged. 52 senators have announced him not guilty as charged. 2/3 of the senators present not finding him guilty, the Senate judges Donald John Trump - the president of the United States - is not guilty as charged in the first article of impeachment,' Chief Justice Roberts announced after the vote.

But in a remarkable move, Republican Mitt Romney, a non-fan of Trump, who has been critical of the president in the past, voted against the president in the charge of 'abuse of power'
He was the only Republican to do so in a move that stunned Capitol Hill.

'The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a "high crime and misdemeanor,' Romney said ahead of the vote. 'Yes, he did.'
He voted to acquit on the obstruction of Congress charge.

Romney, a deeply-religious Mormon, said his faith as the reason behind his decision.
‘The allegations made in the articles of impeachment are very serious. As a senator juror, I swore an oath before god to exercise impartial justice. I am profoundly religious. My faith is at the heart of who I am. I take an oath before god as enormously consequential.

I knew from the outset that being tasked with judging the president, the leader of my own party would be the most difficult decision I have ever faced,’ he said in his remarks on the Senate floor.
Romney said he was convinced President Trump abused his power as because it involved Joe and Hunter Biden, Trump’s political rivals.

‘There's no question in my mind that were there names not Biden the president would never have done what he did,’ Romney said.
Romney acknowledged in a pre-taped interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace that aired just immediately after he voted against the president, that he could lose his next election campaign for not supporting Trump and that his life in Washington D.C. was about to get 'lonely.'

‘It's going to get very lonely. The consequences are significant. They are enough that it made it very difficult process for me. There's not been a morning since this process began that I slept beyond 4:00 a.m.,’ he said.

‘Well, a friend of mine once said that the worst thing that ever happened to them politically had already happened. The worst thing that already happened me politically was losing the presidency in 2012. I have broad enough shoulders to be able to weather personal changes in my career, political or otherwise. What I don't have is the capacity to ignore my conscience,’ he added.

Wallace pointed out to him: 'You realize this is war. Donald Trump will never forgive you for this.'

‘I know in my heart that I'm doing what's right,' Romney responded. 'I understand there's going to be enormous consequence. I don't have a choice in that regard. That's why I haven't been anxious to be in the position I'm in. When I heard there was going to be an impeachment investigation, as I heard the evidence coming forward, I dreaded the responsibility I have. But I was not willing to abdicate the responsibility given to me by the constitution, nor to ignore my conscience out of personal and political significance considerations. I had to follow my conscience.'

‘This is the most difficult decision I've ever made in my life. There's been nothing that compares to this,’ he added.

The impeachment process initiated by House speaker Nancy Pelosi started on the 24th of September after a whistle blower complaint alleged that Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for launching investigations into his political rival, Joe Biden.


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JAMB 2020: COURSES AND SUBJECT COMBINATION -: Students who are aspiring to sit for 2020 UTME are already preparing one way or the other. If you are one of the aspirant, you may have noticed that as…

How To Take Care Of Your Reproductive Parts

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Image result for women health
Health is so in right now. So many of us are interested in living well through healthy eating, exercise, and mind-body wellness. So why don’t we, as a culture and society, talk more often and openly about reproductive health?
As sad as this is, I think that there is still a sense of shame attached to our bodies and reproductive systems. Remember that time when a 22-year-old artist Ruki Kaur posted a period photo that was removed from Instagram (which was re-instated by IG, following the media furor)? While I don’t think it’s necessary or advised for people to post bodily function photos on social media, just in general, the photo itself (see below) wasn’t gory or graphic, but aesthetically intentional. The fact that this was censored over so much inane overexposure considered “appropriate” served to highlight just how our culture views women’s reproductive system as fundamentally disgusting. There is so much irony here since we’re also constantly told that being sexy is empowering and amazing, and to own our sexuality, but also that those same parts should remain non-existent, veiled in secrecy until the moment of sex, when it is revealed to be this beautiful, perfectly groomed bed of roses. Does that even make sense?
7 Ways to Take Care of Your Reproductive Health
Any man who thinks menstruation is “disgusting” can, you know, not have sex with any woman ever. Thank you.
Here is a personal example: I went to a Catholic school, so while we did get a health education including anatomy and how sex basically works, we also were herded into an assembly one day, where the motivational speaker talked about the wonders of abstinence. And at the end, we were all required to take an abstinence pledge card (like a library card) and sign the back. Even at 14 I remember hating how this was being forced down our throats. So out of principle I was determined not to take one, and the sophomore who was handing it out was like, “Oh, you’re not going to take it?” In front of everyone. So I took one and threw it out later.
The downfall of sex education is that the emphasis is so much on sex and not enough on education, and so with this general dark cloud over the mysterious, disgusting female parts (obviously being sarcastic here), girls and women often let their reproductive health sort of just tag along–even while being diligent about soo much else that pertains to their health and well-being.
Your reproductive health is obviously a huge and important part of your whole health. Here are 7 ways to take care of your reproductive health proactively.
7 Ways to Care for Your Reproductive Health
1. Choose your birth control wisely.
Talk to your doctor about the kind of birth control you want. Birth control pills, while most widely available, might also cause side effects like low libido, mood swings, weight gain. You can explore other options like copper IUD and silicone diaphragms, if you are not comfortable with hormonal birth control methods.
2. Practice safe sex.
Birth control isn’t the same thing as STI protection. Always talk to your new partner about your sexual history *before* having sex. (And make sure he is someone who is comfortable and honest about his history–if he’s being shady, kick him to the curb–seriously). Use condoms every single time if you are non-monogamous–none of this, oh we’ve been having sex for a while and I’m on the pill so it’s cool (it’s not!). Remember too that condoms don’t protect against HPV. Young women from 11-26 can (and should) get HPV vaccination that protects against genital warts and cervical cancer.
3. Track your monthly cycle.
Getting to know your cycle will change your life! For one, you’ll feel more connected to your body, which leads to feeling more empowered and self-loving. For another, when you feel exhausted and upset for no reason, you’ll be able to check on your calendar and know it’s because you’re close to your period. It’s a great way to understand how your body is related to your mood, skin condition, productivity, or even creativity levels. If you are trying to get pregnant (or avoid it), it’s also good to know your ovulation week. I use P.Tracker app and it’s made my life so much better.
3. Drink a lot of water.
Being adequately hydrated is key to maintaining a happy healthy reproductive system. Vaginal dryness can be caused or worsened by dehydration, which in turn leads to discomfort during sex, or increased risk of infections.
4. Use lubricants. 
Level of lubrication varies between individual women, and also case-by-case basis. It might be caused by any number of factors including stress, not being aroused enough, menopause, certain meds, etc. Not enough lubrication can cause soreness and pain during sex–and if that’s the case, what’s the point? There is a kind of stigma over using lube, and that’s unfair. Using lube doesn’t mean you’re not attracted to your partner or that you’re not sexual enough–it’s a way for you to get the most out of your experience. If you’re with someone who thinks using lube is like a special birthday treat, kick him to the curb. (Feeling really into kicking insensitive partners to the curb, apparently).
5. Go to your annual check-up, and do self-exams as well. 
No one likes being prodded but it’s just once a year, so just do it. You can also do self-exams on your breasts every month, right after your period when your hormone levels are the lowest.
6. Have a better period.
Your period week doesn’t have to be one ridden with anxieties, physical exhaustion and pain. There are so many ways to have a better period. Pick the option that works for you–including menstrual cups (reusable, eco-friendly) or organic cotton tampons. Observe your monthlies in a holistic way, by relaxing and taking some personal time during your period week. I always give myself extra leisure during this time: less working out and strenuous activity, and more quiet and definitely some takeout. Drinking tea or practicing therapeutic yoga poses also help tune into your body. You might also decide that vaginal steaming before period is nurturing and right for you.
7. Stay away from toxins.
Are you a woman who may have children one day? Then stay away from toxins that mess with your reproductive health including BPA, dioxin (mostly present in meat, dairy, and fish, which means vegans are already off the hook!), phthalates (in many beauty products), PFCs (on nonstick pans), pesticides (conventional produce) and parabens (also in beauty products). Choose organic whenever possible.

Top 10 Health Tips for Women

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Let's face it, ladies: Doctor visits are short. And they're getting shorter. What if your doctor had more time? She might tell you the same things that OB-GYN Alyssa Dweck, MD, co-author of V Is for Vagina, wants you to know.
Consider Dweck's tips your prescription for a lifetime of wellness.
1. Zap your stress.
"The biggest issue I see in most of my patients is that they have too much on their plates and want to juggle it all. Stress can have significant health consequences, from infertility to higher risks of depression, anxiety, and heart disease. Find the stress-reduction method that works for you and stick with it."
2. Stop dieting.
"Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to forgo your favorite glass of wine or a piece of chocolate cake now and then. The key is moderation. Get a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, smart carbs, and fiber."
3. Don't “OD” on calcium.
"Too much absorbed calcium can increase the risk of kidney stones and may even increase the risk of heart disease. If you're under 50, shoot for 1,000 milligrams per day, while over-50 women should be getting 1,200 milligrams per day mainly through diet -- about three servings of calcium-rich foods such as milk, salmon, and almonds."
4. Do more than cardio.
"Women need a mix of cardio and resistance or weight-bearing exercise at least three to five times a week to help prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Exercise also promotes good self-image, which is really important to a woman's mental health."
5. Think about fertility.
"While many women have no problem getting pregnant in their late 30s and even into their early 40s, a woman's fertility may start to decline as early as 32. So if you want to have kids, talk to your doctor about options, like freezing your eggs."
6. Appreciate birth control.
"Birth control gets a bad rap, but not only can it keep you from getting pregnant before you're ready, studies show it can lower the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer as well as regulate your cycle."

🌼 20 Foods That Will Clean Your Arteries Naturally And Protect You From Heart Attacks 🌼

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Heart Disease -- Number one Killer
Clogged arteries are one of the most common causes for stroke and heart attacks, the clogged arteries are in fact interrupting our blood flow, so the blood cannot flow properly through our entire body.
Also there are many other factors that may elevate the risk of a heart attack or a stroke, such as an unhealthy diet, stress, and lack of movement. But you can protect yourself from this by making a few simple changes in your everyday diet, and decrease the risk of every heart disease.
And that is why we would like to present you these foods and drinks in this article, in order for you to clean your arteries from any blockages:
1. Orange Juice
A lot of antioxidants are contained in the orange juice, therefore it is supportive for our blood vessels. Also it has the ability to reduce high blood pressure.
You can get the RDA of vitamin C, only by consuming 2 glasses of orange juice a day. Therefore you will improve your overall health and supply your body with the needed amount of minerals and vitamins.
2. Salmon
One of the most beneficial foods you can consume is the salmon, it is filled with a lot of healthy fat acids, which can only be found in this fish. With them you will be able to reduce inflammation, prevent from high triglyceride levels and reduce blood cholesterol.
There are some other types of fish that you can consume and get big amounts of healthy fat acids, such as herring, mackerel and tuna. Make sure that the fish you consume is always organic.
3. Nuts
The nuts are filled with a lot of unsaturated fats and omega 3 fat acids as well. They are able to improve the health of your joints and improve your memory, as well as reduce the cholesterol levels in your body. One of the most beneficial from all nuts, are the walnuts and almonds!
4. Coffee
The risk of a heart attack can be decreased by an amazing 20% only by consuming from 2 to 4 cups of coffee. But be aware that consuming larger amounts of coffee on daily basis will cause damage to your stomach.
5. Turmeric
The turmeric contains one of the most beneficial compounds, it is known as curcumin. The curcumin is able to prevent from overactive fat storage and prevent or reduce tissue inflammation as well. You can make tea out of the turmeric, or add it into your dishes.
6. Persimmon Fruit
One of the richest sources of healthy sterols and fiber is the persimmon fruit, therefore it is able to lower the cholesterol levels. It has a sweet taste, and it is among the so called “divine fruits”. This fruit can be added into cereal and almost every salad.
7. Cheese
You can decrease high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol by the regular consumption of cheese.
8. Green Tea
The green tea is able to energize you and calm you at the same time. This tea is able of these things only because it is full of catechin -- one of the strongest antioxidants that are able to reduce the absorption of cholesterol and boost your metabolism as well. To provide the most benefits from the tea, you should consume 1 or 2 cups of this tea on daily basis.
9. Whole Grain
It is a rich source of fiber, therefore it can prevent from clogged arteries and reduce the levels of cholesterol. There some foods that are rich with whole grain, such as brown rice, whole grain bread and oats. They are the only ones that are able to break the build up cholesterol.
10. Watermelon
This fruit is able to support the health of your blood vessels and boost the production of nitric oxide as well. You should definitely add this fruit into your everyday diet, the benefits from it will amaze you!
11. Seaweed
One of the richest sources for antioxidants, carotenoids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Consuming seaweed on regular basis will reduce the levels of cholesterol by an amazing 5% and regulate your blood pressure as well.
12. Cranberries
These berries are very high in potassium, therefore if you consume the juice from them you will be able to boost your overall health, reduce the bad cholesterol in your blood and you will increase the good cholesterol. Consume 2 glasses of cranberry juice on daily basis and you will decrease the risk of a heart attack by an amazing 40%.
13. Pomegranate
A lot of phytochemicals are contained inside this fruit, therefore it is able to improve your blood circulation and boost the production of nitric oxide as well. They can be added into many salads as well.
14. Cinnamon
Most commonly cinnamon is used in teas and baked goods. But it is also able to fight against high levels of cholesterol and prevent the arteries from clogging. A teaspoon of cinnamon on daily basis will do wonders for your overall health.
15. Broccoli
The broccoli is able to prevent from high levels of cholesterol and reduce your blood pressure, because it is a rich source of vitamin K. You can consume it raw, boiled, as a snack or you can add it in your main meal or salads.
16. Spinach
The spinach is able to support you muscle tissues, prevent from high blood pressure and reduce the risk of a heart attack of course, because it contains a lot of potassium and folic acid.
17. Asparagus
You can prevent the arteries from clogging with the asparagus, it is able to reduce the high levels of cholesterol and prevent from inflammation. You can add it in your soups, eat it along side with potatoes or noodles or simply include it in your main dish.
18. Olive Oil
One of the biggest secrets to a healthy life is the high-quality olive oil. If you consume the cold pressed olive oil, you will be able to reduce the levels of cholesterol and supply your body with healthy fats. You can easily reduce the risk of a heart attack by an amazing 41% with the regular consumption of this oil.
19. Avocado
The avocado is a rich source of healthy fats, it is famous for its numerous health benefits, and it is a good thing to consume if you want to maintain a balance between your good and bad cholesterol. You can consume it in a salad, with some eggs or on a bread.
20. Blueberries
These berries a re the richest source of potassium, and their juice has the ability to lower the dangerous cholesterol levels and elevate the healthy ones. Consume 2 glasses of the juice on daily basis, and you will lower the risk of a heart attack by an amazing 40%.

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Artificial Embryos

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In a breakthrough that redefines how life can be created, embryologists working at the University of Cambridge in the UK have grown realistic-looking mouse embryos using only stem cells. No egg. No sperm. Just cells plucked from another embryo.

The researchers placed the cells carefully in a three-dimensional scaffold and watched, fascinated, as they started communicating and lining up into the distinctive bullet shape of a mouse embryo several days old.

“We know that stem cells are magical in their powerful potential of what they can do. We did not realize they could self-organize so beautifully or perfectly,” Magdelena Zernicka­-Goetz, who headed the team, told an interviewer at the time.

Zernicka-Goetz says her “synthetic” embryos probably couldn’t have grown into mice. Nonetheless, they’re a hint that soon we could have mammals born without an egg at all.

That isn’t Zernicka-Goetz’s goal. She wants to study how the cells of an early embryo begin taking on their specialized roles. The next step, she says, is to make an artificial embryo out of human stem cells, work that’s being pursued at the University of Michigan and Rockefeller University.

Synthetic human embryos would be a boon to scientists, letting them tease apart events early in development. And since such embryos start with easily manipulated stem cells, labs will be able to employ a full range of tools, such as gene editing, to investigate them as they grow.
Artificial embryos, however, pose ethical questions. What if they turn out to be indistinguishable from real embryos? How long can they be grown in the lab before they feel pain? We need to address those questions before the science races ahead much further, bioethicists say. —Antonio Regalado

SOURCE:  https://www.technologyreview.com/lists/technologies/2018/

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